Padmasana (Lotus Pose) and Siddhasana (Adepts Pose).
These postures are great tools for effective meditation. They help in calming the nervous system as well as help in attaining physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual stability.
Padmasana (Lotus Pose):
In the seated position, first carefully place the right foot onto the left thigh. Then take hold of the left foot and place it onto the right thigh. Keep the body erect with both knees touching the floor. The hands are to be placed either with hands or wrists resting on the knees, or the hands placed between the heels, the right hand resting in the left hand.
Siddhasana (Adepts Pose):
From the sitting position, first bend the left leg and place the heel at the perineum. Then, bend the right leg and place the heel against the pubic bone, or just above the genitals. The body is kept erect with the hands placed as in Padmasana.
Mukthasana or Guptasana:
First sit with the legs stretched forward. Bend the right leg at the knee, and place the right heel against the pubic bone, now bend the left leg and place the left heel above the right heel and close to the pubic bone. In this position, both the perineum and genitalia are free from pressure. Rest the hands on the knees.
Swastikasana (Ankle lock Pose):
The word 'Swastika' means prosperous in Sanskrit, and is said to bring prosperity, success, and good health to the practitioner. It is done in the following manner: Stretch the legs in front of you. Bend the right leg at the knee, and place the right heel against the groin of the left thigh so that the sole will be lying in close contact with the thigh. Now bend the left leg and place it against the right groin. Insert the toes of the left foot between the right calf and thigh muscles. Now both feet can be seen to lie between the calves and thigh muscles. The hands are placed in Padmasana.
Sukhasana (Easy Pose):
This asana is achieved by simply crossing the legs and keeping the head and trunk erect. The hands are placed as in Padmasana.
Sit upon the heels, keep the trunk, neck and head straight. Keep the knees together with the palms of the hands resting upon the knees, or with the right hand resting in the left hand upon the lap.